Sunday, July 4, 2010

North Tower Exploding

This is a narration of a video clip of the North Tower of the World Trade Center which focuses on explosive ejections progressing in waves down the faces of the building under the canopy of falling debris. Observation is the foundation of science.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

WTC7 in Freefall: No Longer Controversial

This video tracks the motion of the NW corner of Building 7 of the World Trade Center on 9/11 2001. For a period of ~2.5 seconds. This means it was falling through itself for over 100 feet with zero resistance, an impossibility in any natural scenario. This period of freefall is solid evidence that explosives had to be used to bring the building down. In the final draft for public comment (August 2008) NIST denied that WTC7 fell at freefall. In the final report in Nov 2008 they reversed themselves and admitted freefall, but denied its obvious significance.

Friday, July 2, 2010

WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part I)

In its draft report, released in August 2008, NIST attempted to cover up evidence that WTC7 fell at freefall, but the coverup was transparent. In its final report, released in November 2008, NIST finally acknowledged freefall, but couched it in a bizarre framework that continues to deny its clear significance. This video displays the brazenness of the NIST WTC7 coverup.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part II)

This is not the "Part II" I had originally envisioned. That will have to wait for Part III. In following up on the erroneous measurement described by John Gross in Part I, I decided to look more carefully at the measurement and find the video frame NIST claims marks the beginning of the collapse. What I found is that there is no motion of the roofline for at least 20-30 video frames after the point identified by John Gross. In other words, the measurement is a complete fabrication with the goal of producing a "measurement" to agree with the result predicted by NIST's collapse model. This result is sufficiently significant to merit its own video.
...More to come soon in Part III.
(For more on John Gross, see  9/11: NIST engineer John Gross denies WTC molten steel (extended) )

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part III)

Part III of this series fully explores the implications of NIST's admission that WTC7 entered actual freefall and critiques the foundations of their "investigation." In the end it calls for a new, independent, fully empowered, and open investigation.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Downward Acceleration of the North Tower

The roof line of WTC1 (The North Tower) begins dropping with sudden onset and accelerates uniformly downward at about 64% of the acceleration of gravity (g) until it disappears into the dust. This means it is meeting resistance equal to about 36% of its weight. The implication of this, however, is that the force it is exerting on the lower section of the building is also only 36% of its weight. This is much less than the force it would exert if it were at rest.

The acceleration data thus prove that the falling top section of the building cannot be responsible for the destruction of the lower section of the building. A complete analysis has been published in the article entitled "Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics" Journal of 9/11 Studies, Vol 28, Feb 2010. (Some calculus and basic physics required.)

Monday, June 28, 2010

South Tower Smoking Guns

This video narrates a collection of diverse phenomena in the debris cloud of the South Tower that point to explosive demolition. Particularly notable is one projectile (which I have not seen discussed previously) that is shooting to the east, then stops, midair, then turns a sharp corner and shoots straight down trailing white smoke. White smoke is characteristic of aluminum oxide which is a byproduct of the thermite reaction.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

South Tower Smoking Guns (Follow-up)

After finding the projectile that turns a sharp corner while trailing white smoke I looked for it in other videos and found it in several. The clearest is from a camera with a very similar perspective to the first, but in this video the trail can be followed to the bottom of the collapse. Here I explore the significance of this find.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

South Tower: Exploding Projectile

A close-up view of debris being ejected from the South Tower of the World Trade Center as the 30-floor top section falls to the east shows numerous smoking projectiles that look like comets. Several of them can be seen to explode. One such exploding projectile is followed here. It ejects two fragments, both of which undergo secondary explosions. (Note, the rising fragment to the left of the projectile under consideration appears to be a tumbling object that alternates from black to white to invisible. It passes behind one of the fragments described in the video.)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Cutter Charges in the North Tower of the World Trade Center

Small explosive ejections focused on a corner column of WTC1 (The North Tower of the World Trade Center) are evidence of cutter charges used to cut the corner columns. One of these occurs at the 98th floor at the onset of the demolition of the building. The other occurs lower in the building at the instant the column enters free fall.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Acceleration + Serendipity

This is a study of the overall downward acceleration of WTC1, the North Tower of the World Trade Center. During this investigation it was discovered that the one feature that kept pace with the original acceleration of the roofline was a wave of ejections on the west wall.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

High Speed Massive Projectiles from the WTC on 9/11

I have revisited and extended some of my early measurements of high speed massive projectiles from the World Trade Center on 9/11. The results for the three projectiles measured: 56 mi/hr, 45 mi/hr, and 78 mi/hr. I don't claim this is smoking-gun evidence of explosive demolition all by itself, but it is part of the puzzle and it is more compatible with the explosive demolition hypothesis than simple gravitational collapse.